Thursday, April 6, 2017

raid - Is There Anyway to Undo a Quick Initialize from a Perc6/i VD?

I stupidly fast initialized an existing Raid 5 Array Virtual disk with 10 Virtual Machines after creating a new Raid 5 Array. The VDs switched order on the list of the Perc Controller. According to Dell, fast initialize only removes the boot files so the data can be overwritten no problem, kind of like deleting a file from the recycle bin.

My server is a PowerEdge R710 with a Perc 6/i Raid controller running ESXi 5.1. The Bios of the R710 and the Perc 6/i controller are both running the latest firmware. I tried the steps on this article:

However the BartPE bootable ise just freezes on the Windows XP slapsh page.

Does anybody know a full proof method? I have backups of the VMs, however I would like to avoid restoring all of them due to time constraint.

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