Thursday, October 2, 2014

browser - How to view source of a broken page in IE instead of "Cannot display the webpage" message

I'm stuck in an Internet Explorer only environment, and one of my users is experiencing an error on one of my pages. It's a Cold Fusion page, and I'm sure it's not crashing at the beginning. Does anyone know of any way to view the actual source of the error page rather than the generic error message that IE redirects the user to?

I know from previous experience that if I could navigate to the page in Firefox or any other browser, it would just show the HTML that was able to render and I could go from there to view source, but if I view source in IE it shows me the source of the error message, not the source of the page causing the error.


Un-check “Show friendly HTTP error messages” in the Internet Options:

“Show friendly HTTP error messages” in Internet Explorer's Internet Options

That setting causes generic error messages to be displayed if the response was smaller than 500-ish bytes for HTTP errors. Beyond that threshold the actual response is always displayed. So you could also pad your error responses appropriately—that's not uncommon to do :-)

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