Sunday, April 12, 2015

command line - Continuously copy all file changes from one folder to another on change (Windows)

I'm working on a massive Java web application which is kept under centralized version control, but the source files are used to build and run the actual server, which then copies all the files I work on into a random temporary directory while it's running.

My problem is that I need to either rebuild this huge application to see any changes to my files, or keep track of all my changes and copy over the files I've changed back to their source location before committing them back to source control.

My question is: is there a command line script I can run that will monitor any changes in the source folder and automatically copy changed files across to temporary folder X?

The idea is to remove the human point of failure in having to manually mitigate the two-locations problem.


I suggest FreeFileSync, which appears to have the ability to create a script that will automatically sync the two folders every few seconds. I haven't played with it personally, but it looks promising.

enter image description here
enter image description here

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