I add web shortcuts from chrome to Windows (8.1) File Explorer into different folders so that I can access not only the downloaded documents but also the ones I want/need to check online.
But I'd like to edit their properties the same way I do with other files like .docx and .pdf (so that I can display these properties in"details view" and/or search for them). It is pretty convenient and straightforward; the properties for Chrome and Firefox shortcuts are right there just right-clicking on the shortcut, clicking properties \ Details Tab. There you'll see the properties 'Rating', 'Description' and 'Notes' which you "can" edit right there (Internet Explorer doesn't show these editable fields):
Almost. Because when you try to apply the changes (pressing 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons), it will ask you (at least me) for Administrative privileges:
...which I try to apply ('Continue' button) but:
Then I go to the specified folder to give this user (highlighted in blue in the pic) more permissions but it already has 'Full control' as you can see below. There's no way (or I can't find it) to add more permissions (like Special permission, the only one which is not ticked under 'Allow', and/so I'm not sure it would actually help.
Does anyone have any idea of how could we modify these Chrome/Firefox shortcut properties so that we can display and/or search for them in Windows File Explorer?
How do I edit Chrome web shortcuts to add 'Rating', 'Description' and 'Notes'?
There is a bug which prevents you making the changes you want in the way you have described.
I've tested the workaround below with a Firefox shortcut. It should work for Chrome shortcuts as well.
Apply Property Error" occurs when attempting to modify either the Ratings, Description or Notes fields of a Favorite shortcut
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Microsoft Windows 7 including Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1.
The issue can be alleviated by manually editing the shortcut URL in a text editor such as notepad.exe. Simply copy and paste the desired setting i.e. Description Field, Notes fields and Ratings Field.
Prop21=31,<<< Add Description Field Text Here >>>
For the Description and Notes Fields the text will need to be manually
edited. The Description field outlined in Indigo in the image above.
To add description text, start to the right of the comma after
"Prop21-31" (replacing <<< Add Description Field Text Here >>>
highlighted in Red in the image above with the desired text).
Prop5=31,<<< Add Notes Field Text Here >>>
Likewise, the Notes Field outlined in Green in the image above will
also need to be manually edited. To add text to the Notes field,
start to the right of the comma after "prop5=31," (replacing <<< Add
Notes Field Text Here >>> highlighted in Red in the image above with
the desired text).
For Star Ratings, all that is needed is to copy and paste the desired
value i.e. 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star and 5 star
(Note: a 5 star rating was copied in the sample image above).
1 Star:
2 Star:
3 Star:
4 Star:
5 Star:
Notes on the workaround
Replace the shortcut file with the edited file:
- Start run "notepad"
- Drag and drop shortcut onto notepad.
- Make changes as required and save file.
- Change explorer details view to show appropriate columns
Take care not to delete existing lines but just add the new ones you require.
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