My computer isn't the best but it does meet the minimal requirments to play GTA V. I wanted to make the game run faster so instead of using the normal .exe, this is the batch file I use to launch the game:
start steam://rungameid/271590
timeout 60
wmic process where name="GTA5.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority"
wmic process where name="gtavlauncher.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
wmic process where name="subprocess.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
so basically after launching the game it sets the priorities so only the GTA5.exe runs and the cpu ignores the other processes that come with it.
I wanted it to run even smoother and changing the windows theme to "classic" helps with that, so I downloaded a program that allowes me to change the themes with cmd commands and I made this script-
START c:\ThemeSwitcher classic
start steam://rungameid/271590
timeout 60
wmic process where name="GTA5.exe" CALL setpriority "high priority"
wmic process where name="gtavlauncher.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
wmic process where name="subprocess.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
wait process where name="GTA5.exe"
start c:\ThemeSwitcher MY PC
in the "----------" I want to put something that makes the file wait for the processes to terminate before changing the theme to normal, so I don't have to do it manually.
I only know a few batch commands that I used google for, and right now it doesn't help.
sorry for bad english.
create batch like this:
title i'm waiting
start /wait /high cmd /ktitle kill me
echo This is the end
you can see how work start
command with wait
you can create batch with pause
, after do something hit space in batch window, then it run next command
you probably looking for something like waiting for terminate existing process
echo do somthing at start
::wait ~6s -1s = 5s
::you can use TIMEOUT 5
call :sleep 6
wmic process where name="notepad.exe" get name |find "notepad.exe">nul
if %errorlevel%==0 goto :start_test
echo do somthing at the end
goto :eof
ping -n %1 > nul
goto :eof
it test process exists every 5s, you can change interval.
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