Friday, September 9, 2016

Apply location directives to subdomains and sub-subdomains on NGINX

I'm trying to setup a site on NGINX so the second level domain is visible publicly, but access to subdomains is restricted. Basically a should be restricted to my IP, and is restricted to http authentication. I also want the same restrictions applied to all sub-subdomains of those subdomains.

The server_name for each subdomain is set with the special wildcard, which I thought would effect all domains down the line, (see below). so I set location directives in the server block for each subdomain; allow/deny for server_name and auth_basic for server_name

It's working great for the subdomains, but I'd like to have those directives also apply to all sub-subdomains ( Right now I have to add the directives to each sub-subdomain individually.

How do I get those directives applied to all sub-subdomains?

Here's the server block setup for

server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /home/forge/;

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