Thursday, December 12, 2019

cron - crontab to run bash script (ssh command in it) not working

CentOS 5.4

(in my script file -

ssh 'iptables -L' > /tmp;

(in /etc/crontab)

30 21 30 9 * root /bin/bash /

If I run the script in terminal, things work just fine. But use crontab to run it, the tmp will be generated, but there's nothing in the tmp file (0k). I already run ssh agent so ssh won't prompt to ask password. What could be the problem with this? Thanks.


I suggest you to always explicitly set all needed variables at the beginning of the scripts.


That said, I would

  1. create a private/public keypair

  2. set an empty password on the private key

  3. set permission 400 on the private key file

  4. put the public key in the authorized_keys file of the root user on

Now try the connection with


ssh -i /myprivatekey -l root '/sbin/iptables -L' > /tmp/output.$$

Edit: I guessed that the "iptables" command had to be executed by root on the remote server. If it is not, of course the "-l" parameter has to be changed accordingly.

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