Tuesday, September 2, 2014

zabbix - "Lack of free swap space" on Windows Server

I have several Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machines, which are monitored by zabbix 2.4. The zabbix throws "Lack of free swap space" for some VMs, but there are disk and memory free on these machines, and the Virtual Memory is set to OS Control on Windows...

What means "Lack of free swap space" on Windows Server?
It's disk space? RAM? Virtual Memory?

How can I resolve it?



I have just resolved my item with the same error. It is related to the windows page file and in my case it was configured to be automatically managed by windows.

In my situation Windows didn't think it wanted a higher swap space and wasn't taking out more space but it was at 0 remaining so zabbix was reporting the error. I have chosen to move to a custom page file size - just remember to hit set prior to saving as it won't always retain after a reboot.

System -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Performance Settings -> Advanced Tab and changed to use a manual page file rather than the system allocated page file

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