Friday, January 23, 2015

reinstall - Windows OEM vs retail difference

My laptop has an OEM version of Vista Home Premium 32-bit. I need to reinstall Windows, and I've made sure that disk I have downloaded is the same as the one on my system (32-bit Home Premium).

Is the retail version the same as the OEM? I only have a retail copy but I have an OEM license. Will I have any problems reactivating my copy of windows? Note, my HW hasn't changed.


I saw this post already, but I don't have an OEM disk:

Installing XP with out manufacturers original XP restore disk, possible with OEM disk?


It will install, but the problem is it will reject the key. An OEM key requires an OEM disk, and retail requires a retail disk.

You did not post what model or brand of laptop, so it is hard to be more specific with the following advice: First, I would call the manufacturer and see if I could buy a replacement disk (about $20 typically because you are not buying a license, just the media). That is a good idea long-term.

In the short term, you want to get up and running, so see if you have a friend with an OEM disk even if it is not from your manufacturer. I have used the Dell restore disks on non-Dell systems before. The main difference is that if I were installing it on a Dell system, it won't ask me for the key or to activate, but it does on a non-Dell system. This is not a problem for you since you can just put in you key that is on the sticker.

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