Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Use Windows 7 installation disk to fix Windows 10 BCD

My whole question is in the title. Is it possible to repair Windows 10 BCD using another version of Windows installation disk, Windows 7 in this case?
I got the Windows 10 BCD corrupted when I installed RemixOS on a separate partition that I created from an existing free space while booting from the RemixOS installation media.

If this is not possible, what are the alternatives, other than downloading Windows 10 ISO file and creating an installation media for windows 10? I have Kali Linux and Elementary OS installed and I can boot into them. I also have Remix OS installed and running fine. I can install Wine if it is possible to fix the Windows 10 BCD using some Windows application that can allow me to select the BCD file that I would like to fix or something similar.

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