Saturday, May 23, 2015

vpn - How to set up a fileserver for use with multiple networked machines using different OSs

Recently I've become very interested in setting up a fileserver, mostly for home usage but also because of the fact that I live in 2 places, I need to be able to access my files from both homes. I have already done some research into this but I am unclear about some things.

My requirements are the following;

  • Needs to work on both Mac and PC(only using Windows atm on PC but could be good if it supports more OS's to make it futureproof in case I need Linux or something else)

  • Need to be able to set up a folder/drive/network space to act as a link to a certain folder on the fileserver

  • All files should only be stored on the fileserver, e.g. no "shared" folders like in Dropbox where files are stored on the client computer

  • Would prefer it if folders are password protected or that I can somehow specify what users can access the fileserver's shares

  • Fileserver's OS most likely have to be Windows due to other factors outside of being just a fileserver

I've already kinda figured out that I will need to set up a VPN so that I can access my fileserver from outside the local network. Probably going to use OpenVPN.

Question 1: How would I go about to set up a VPN server so that I can connect to my local network at the fileserver's location?

I know that since I'm on a dynamic IP I will have to get some sort of dynamic DNS server - I've already checked into this and I'm fairly sure I know how to fix that. I also know that I will have to forward the port OpenVPN uses in my router.

Question 2: How would I actually share the folders on the fileserver so that I can access them on my other computers? I've researched into Samba but I'm uncertain if it needs to be run on a Linux OS. I know that the clients connecting to it can be Windows for example but can the Samba "server" be run on Windows? Also it appears that Samba shares a folder, meaning it works like Dropbox - I don't want that. So how would I share a folder in that case to make it work like I want it to?

Sorry for the incredibly long question, I tried to structure it the best I could for easier read. Thanks in advance!

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