Wednesday, February 17, 2016

iis 6 - IIS where ASP pages aren't working

ASP pages don't seem to be working if they contain any ASP code. Is there a way to test the setup of IIS6?


Without knowing the error(s) that you're receiving or symptoms of the problem it's hard to narrow down what you're dealing with and provide a solution.

However, to cover the basics:

  • Make sure ASP is installed on your IIS box. If this is ASP.NET make sure you've installed the proper version of the .NET framework.

  • Make sure ASP is enabled as a web extension

  • If this is ASP.NET you can run aspnet_regiis -i from the installation folder of the .NET version you're working with to make sure it gets registered with IIS. The folder you'll want to look in is %systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[specific version folder]\

  • Make sure you have configured an application on your web site or in the directory that holds your ASP code.

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