Friday, January 22, 2016

configuration - Getting error "Invalid command 'echo'..." when restarting apache when trying to use SSLPassPhraseDialog

Using a solution to another answer, I added the following to my apache config:

SSLPassPhraseDialog exec:/path/to/passphrase-script

And in that script, I placed this:

echo "put the passphrase here"

Now, when I restart apache, i get the following error:

Invalid command 'echo', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Should I be using some other command in the shell script? Or do I need to configure apache differently so the echo command works?


Your shell (/bin/sh) does not appear to support echo as a built-in command, and your script is probably being called from an environment that doesn't have a valid PATH environment variable set.

Use the full path to the echo command (usually /bin/echo, sometimes /usr/bin/echo) instead and things should work.

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