Tuesday, January 26, 2016

iis - Permissions issue with virtual directory to UNC path

I have a virtual directory in my site (test environment). It is a UNC share which is also used as a public FTP.

It is configured to connect as a domain admin account and "Test settings" says everything appears to be working. However when I try to connect to it I get:

500 - "Failed to start monitoring
changes on
\INTRANET\FTP\test\web.config because
access was denied"

This is an ASP.NET YSOD. I am not sure why ASP.NET is getting involved at all as it's a static .jpg file I'm requesting.

I tried turning on failed request tracing and this is the specific error:

  • ModuleName WindowsAuthentication

  • Notification 2

  • HttpStatus 500

  • HttpReason Internal Server Error

  • HttpSubStatus 0

  • ErrorCode 0

  • ConfigExceptionInfo


  • ErrorCode The operation completed successfully. (0x0)

If I change the "Physical Path Logon Type" from ClearText to Network. I get the following IIS error:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server

Error The requested page cannot be
accessed because the related

configuration data for the page is

Detailed Error Information

  • Module IIS Web Core

  • Notification BeginRequest

  • Handler Not yet determined

  • Error Code 0x80070005

  • Config Error Cannot read configuration
    file due to insufficient permissions

  • Config File \\?\UNC\INTRANET\FTP\test\web.config

  • Requested URL

  • Physical Path

  • Logon Method Not yet determined

  • Logon User Not yet determined

  • Failed Request Tracing Log Directory C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles

This does not generate a failed request log strangely enough—I have set the failed request tracing to trace errors with error codes 400-999.

Also worth noting is that if I open the Configuration feature from within IIS, I see an access denied error.

I have exactly the same set up on my local dev machine to the same UNC path and the same user it works. Just on the test server it does not.

What am I doing wrong?


The fact that it's an ASP.net app is probably exactly what the issue is here. Your application pool identity has to have rights (not necessarily the IIS identity; by default, the app pool identity is the local Network Service account.) You also probably need to run caspol.exe on your IIS machine.



%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol -m -ag 1.  -url "file://\\remotefileserver\content$\*" FullTrust

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