Friday, February 20, 2015

hp proliant - P410i smart array controller SATA drive recommendations of known working models


my company needed some internal, reliable servers for internal data. (we normally use cloud).

Being a small company, we have scanty budget, but also flexibility.

We picked up a number of HP DL360 G6 at an enormously good price (as far as we could tell). They each came with 4 x 2.5" hitachi 1TB 7200 SATA drives, 6 core CPU, and 72 GB RAM.

Our requirements are cheap, reliable, and far third, lots of storage space.

I'm not an experienced hardware guy FYI, but I've spent a week of late nights googling and experimenting to get to here. Now I think I need the help of someone who actually knows hardware. This is what it seems to me so far:

  1. The hitachi's can't be monitored by the P410i (lacking compatible SMART support?) and so ILO reports a drive bay heat problem and the fans kick on to 80% regardless of OS / drivers

  2. Taking out all but one of the drives doesn't change the situation

  3. At this point, after googling numerous articles about HP fan noise, I was getting worried. We have a small server room, but the thunderous noise from a bunch of these would have disturbed the office.

  4. I took out the hitachi's and plugged in a Samsung evo 256GB. Wow. Instant quiet - fans running blissfully at 15%, barely more noise than my desktop. Operating system and drivers making no difference. I can happy install the latest *nix version of my preference without concerning myself with HP agents to manage the fan speed.

  5. Now, just having a single configuration that works, I have a way forward, however buying a whole bunch of small old model Samsung SSD doesn't seem the -ideal- solution. (just because i chanced on a drive that works).


Can anyone with experience with the P410i and SATA drives share their experience - which models are -known- to work. Not just spinning up and booting, but also being happily monitored by the system (with or without) needing drivers.

I did look for some sort of official compatibility list, but given the age of my gear.. nothing :/

EDIT: I should mention I've checked the ILO and the motherboard firmware is up to date. I haven't checked the P410i yet, will do that when I get back to work. (but I think everything was flashed up to date before I got them).

EDIT2: Probably worth mentioning that getting the hitachis to work would be nice, but isn't vital. I'll use anything that will keep the fan noise whisper quiet :)

ANSWER: Dont fight the fed, for the cost differential just get the vendor hardware.

HP SAS 2.5 sas drives on the way. I hope the fans remain silent :)

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