Wednesday, February 25, 2015

windows - mklink to network share or UNC path or Mapped Drive?

Are there performance or permission or other considerations to think about when using a mklink path to a network share versus just a straight UNC path (or mapped drive for that matter).

For example, can these three ways of accessing a network resource be considered functionally equivalent and roughly interchangeable?

mklink /d c:\shares\warehouse \\server1\warehouse
xcopy /s c:\shares\warehouse d:\temp\warehouse_copy


xcopy /s \\server1\warehouse d:\temp\warehouse_copy


net use X: \\server1\warehouse
xcopy /s X:\ d:\temp\warehouse_copy

Server is Windows 2003, clients are Win7 Pro. Network is mostly gigabit, though there are few 100mbit laggards here and there. I used a cmd shell in the example because it's easiest to explain, in practice the resource would be accessed by a variety of other methods also (Windows Explorer, Office "open" dialogs, system backup services, etc.)

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